Coffee Price Update
I've been dreading making this announcement. We've spent the last few years holding prices lower as everywhere else they go up, but at last it is our time to update pricing as well. All coffee pricing is going up $2-4Due to drastically lower yields at farm level in Central America, consolidation of shipping companies and speculation in the C market, the global price of coffee has gone up drastically in the last two months. We are seeing our contracts go up from $4.30/lb to $6.30+/lb, not including freight and weight loss during roasting. Raising the price is necessary for us to continue....
Honduras Season 2024
Honduras Season 2024 We have 5 main harvest single origin lots this season, and 4 microlots to round out our offerings this winter and spring. Sourced via Bend Coffee at the famed San Vicente Mill in Santa Barbara, we have gained access to some of the finest lots being grown in Honduras. Our first release of the season was Gerardo Trejo, which went quickly and now into the thick of Honduran season with farmer Edin Lopez's primary crop and an interesting separation of Jose Esteban's harvest. Expect some Iconic Honduran profiles this season, from red grape and candy bar...
The Latest Edition of Packaging
Ever since I started running Kuma I wanted our packaging to be as straightforward as possible, represent the coffee inside it, be hardworking and well crafted, not flashy or districting. This is the latest iteration of that goal.We used to hand stamp all our bags, it was so much hard work. Some loved it, some thought it looked janky. We figured what does the package matter when the coffee inside was so high quality? Some quality focused cafes around the country agreed, putting cup quality first, tasting our coffees blind and many times finding they outscored nationally recognized brands....
The Story of Coffee, in Bears

New Biodegradable Packaging